Scenes from my book recording!

Greetings everyone!

I had an incredible blessing this week I just had to share. When I realized my dream of writing a book, I didn’t think it could get any better. Then I was told there would be audio version of it. This was particularly meaningful for me because I work with the blind and visually impaired once a week. They would be able to hear it!

I asked if I could be the voice, the narrator, of my book. You may think being the author affords you such privileges, but this isn’t the case. The publisher wants the best possible voice and they tend to go with professional voiceover artists. But I know energy. I knew the energy of my voice would give additional meaning to the text. Plus, I share many personal stories from life and practice. It would just feel weird for someone else to be speaking my words. Thankfully, the producer agreed with me!

Last week, I met my audio team in the famed Flatiron Building and this week we headed to the Film Center in New York City to record it. I’m a bit of an architecture geek and seeing the inside of the Flatiron was a big dream for a long time. Bucket list item checked off!

Here’s where I got to see my personal healing path in action. I was both nervous and excited but within minutes the nerves went away and I was in the sheer joy of the reading! And I was so focused, we shaved 4 hours off studio time. I went through entire pages without a slip up.

There would have been a time in my life, for years, when I would not have been able to do this. My anxiety would have made my voice shake (or made me sick) and the ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) symptomology I know I was born with would have prevented me from sitting still for hours at a time.

More than anything, I got to feel valued and respected by the team I was working with. There would have been a time that would have felt foreign to me. Now that’s my new normal.

Thank you so much for being a part of my journey and this sacred work.

May March find you blessed in every way,

Releases April 30, 2019

Check this column for up to date information on:

-Book Signings
-Book Release Party
-Pre-Order Bonuses
-Release Week Bonuses

Wed, May 1st, 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Book Signing in Montclair, NJ

Click HERE for details

Kris Ferraro is an International Energy Coach, Speaker, and Teacher. She compassionately helps clients transform their lives, specializing in the areas of Self Esteem, Relationships, Anxiety, Spiritual Issues, Grief, Creative Blocks, and Stress. You can find her at

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